Thursday, July 15, 2010

My first 'Spanish' lesson

Hardly two days before we depart and we just made our first hotel booking. Dixie was otherwise occupied when I called, so I was left to my own devices [once again, Dixie is going to be the family translator on this trip].

Luckily, the person on the other end of the line understood English. However, when it came time to take my name down, we were back to speaking two different languages. We went through the letters in my first name, one by one, as I tried to think of words that might be a bit more common in South America ("I as in 'Iguana', Z as in 'Zebra'...Zebra?). After taking two minutes to get my first name correct -- I blame my tendency to mumble and my cell phone connection above all else -- I had an epiphany:

"My last name is 'Cama' as in 'bed'.

"Bed like Spanish bed?"

"Yes, correct."

"Okay Mr. Cama, we'll see you on Sunday."

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